Some years earlier Bishop Fred Addo saw himself standing on the globe of the world, held in the hands of Jesus. As he did, he saw himself preaching and ministering to people of different colours and races and performing miracles. It surprised him because at that time, he was far from being a preacher .As he wondered, Jesus said to him…”I have been trying to use you as a miracle on the earth, but you have been running away from me. But now, go and share with the world the supernatural love of God, show my people the way out of wilderness and heal the sick. For I have made you a prophet to the nations and through you I will put laughter in the lives of many.”
Inspired by men like DR T.L Osborn and Archbishop Benson Idahosa of blessed Memory, He dedicated himself to prayer and the study of the word. Since then, he has grown to become one of the most prominent prophetic voices in Africa and the world at large
.For many years Bishop Fred Addo has travelled to many nations and continents of the world preaching the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ with signs and wonders following with the active support of his dear wife, Bishop Funbi Addo a mighty woman of God in her own right. Furthermore, God has used him to be a blessing to many in evangelistic crusades, Leadership training summits, Churches and Schools.
In 1986, the Lord led him to start a fellowship that evolved into a church called Love Teaching Centre, in Yola, North Eastern Nigeria. This courageous move impacted and affected the northern part of Nigeria in ways that cannot be quantified. Soon the churches began to spread to other northern cities and affect many. In December 7th, 2007 the church arm of the Supernatural Love Ministries was changed to International Praise Church.
On the 23rd of April, 2016, at a National Conference of the ministry in Yola, Papa Addo announced that the Lord had indicated that he should leave the church Arm of the Ministry and pursue Missions and Outreaches while the Church Arm of the SLM with its structure, Pastors, and leaders be taken over and be led by his protégé of many years, Bishop Dr. Calvin Antonza ll, Dr. Fred Addo on that fateful day by Apostolic Succession presented, prayed for and anointed Dr. Calvin Antonza ll as the new President of the Supernatural Love Ministries worldwide.
Bishop Fred Addo is an accomplished author, Anointed Country gospel Music Minister, a pastor who has trained, raised, mentored and pastored many leaders in Nigeria, Africa and Europe. To him, the journey just began because the VISION LIVES ON….
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