Christy Abiona sometimes referred to as Psalmist Christy is a gospel minister based in the United Kingdom.Christy gave her life to Christ at a young age. After her conversion she experienced a divine overflow of songs coming from her heart and started writing songs. She also started singing in a new way and with a new voice.She had a revelation of healing through worship according to Psalms:149:6-9. She was totally convinced in her encounter that genuine worship ushers the presence of God and when the Lord step in an atmosphere of truth worship in His – Might, Majesty, Power and Glory, nothing can stand in His way. The praise of Jehovah in our mouth disarms the enemy – sickness, failure, poverty, lack, setback etc. This has been Christy’s vision to see liberty, freedom and healing through worship. Christy has written a number of songs and have continually been a blessing to her local church and the body of Christ.
Christy Abiona released her first album Grace featuring ten tracks all given by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit in November 2016. It features songs like YOU WILL NOT FAIL (AWIMAYEHUN) and Lord Reigns.